Carlos & Jennifer: The Path to Forever


Weddings aside, honeymoons are the next best thing! Your big day is always going to end but the wedding spirit lingers on, at least for a month.

This is where honeymoons come in. Away from the crowd, family and loved ones, couples need these trips to spend quality time alone. It is the perfect way to relax after the stress of planning a wedding – even if it’s next door. But like everything, honeymoons can easily go from paradise to disaster.

Not only for you the couple, but for others around you too. Movies would make you feel like ‘there is no one else in the world but your new spouse’, but in real life, this can cause majorly awkward moments between you and others. From hotel staff to other guests, you might be acting super annoying without even realizing it!

Therefore, in this article, we have some tips to keep you in check during the best time of your lives. Nothing too stringent, just a few reminders on stuff you probably already know.

Jennifer sitting pretty on her wedding day. Photography by @sorce_photography



It’s easy to think you are comfortable with your spouse and ‘all is allowed’ when on honeymoon. But sweetheart, while you’re still on planet earth, there are some boundaries for freedom. And when you don’t take the time to plan carefully, things can go wrong.

Here are a few tips that combine planning, dos & dont’s:

1. Plan your own honeymoon!

Do not leave decisions over your perfect holiday to anyone else. Especially not your parents! You wouldn’t want to end up at resorts and destinations appropriate for people over age 50.

Even if it’s a professional planner, make sure to be completely involved in every bit of the planning process. Be certain to clearly point out the interests of you and your spouse, and accord your plans to them. This way you can avoid getting surprised by things that do not suit your taste.


2. Manage spending

Except going big on the destination choice, please do not go overspending on anything else. Honeymoons are meant for quality time, not extravagance. Do not go buying stuff you don’t need in a bid to impress anyone, even if your spouse.

Remember you already put in a lot for the wedding, and married life, in itself, is not exactly cheap. There’d always be another trip so think wisely and save some change!


3. Too much PDA

Yes it is your time to shine, but do not rub it in! Public display of affection is beautiful, however, when it becomes too much, you’re better off without any. Keep in mind that there are other people around you, especially if you are in a busy tourist destination. Little kids don’t need to see you biting your spouse’s ear or rolling around with each other on the beach. You are married now, so you really have nothing to prove. Save these kinds of activities for your hotel room!


4. Stay away from your phones

Work, friends, family or even social media, are all off limits when you go on your honeymoon. You have all the time in the world to do that when you return. Avoid spending so much time on Instagram or Snapchat [absolutely do not share photos of this personal time with the world]. Keep it simple and enjoy the one-on-one moment with your spouse; you may never get a time like this again.

Remember to stay in touch with nature, and everything else around you. Honeymoons are time to connect with real, not the virtual. Be polite to people, hotel staff, tour guides, locals (if you travel out of town) and allow yourself to learn new things, with your partner by your side.


5. Pick no fights

Not in a chance! Honeymoons are meant to be blissful, not sorrowful. Try to let the small things go, pick your battle, as they say. In fact, this is a great moment to master your patience. And even if there’s a fit you cannot avoid, make sure to settle it indoors – because public display of anger is even worse!


One extra tip is one we all need in life – do not expect everything to be perfect. You’ll never truly enjoy anything if you have unrealistic expectations. Prepare for unexpected inconveniences; you can laugh about them later 😉



  • Bride: @naa_reza
  • Groom: @carlosbonte
  • Planning: @sproutaffair @azuresevents
  • Coordination: @sproutaffair
  • Photography: @sorce_photography @iconicphotography_ @iredphotography
  • Videography: @iconicphotography_
  • Engagement makeup: @marion_km
  • Hairstylist: @strandsnmirrors


  • Kente dress: @phosua_detailed
  • Reception dress: @top_stitchaseda
  • Kente fabric: @h.g_kentekiosk
  • Bridal robes: @pnj_events_gh
  • Accessories: @deeyahs_accessories
  • MC: @1mr_wazza


  • DJ: @dj_adom
  • Groom’s outfit: @urbangreygh
  • Groomsmen Kaftan: @urbangreygh
  • Engagement decor: @lomoccasions @oxygenplusgh
  • Local Bar: @faydees_bissap

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