How to plan the perfect wedding


Planning a wedding is very tiresome. Even choosing a date can be a headache if you have no guidelines. In this article, GWM shares with you some tips and things to consider when preparing for that big day. Here it goes:

As soon as you decide to get married, the first thing to consider is…

1. The Date

Choose a date (or up to 3 so you can be flexible). This way, you can roll over to the next date in the case of any unforeseen challenges.
Usually, it is advised that you don’t choose a date that coincides with any other existing special days. I mean think about it, would you rather spend your anniversary on Christmas day or Independence day when everyone else is celebrating? Or you’d rather pick a day exclusive to you and your spouse that’d bring back sweet memories of that perfect wedding you had? Think big, be unique!

2. Work out a budget

Money, money, money is what makes the world go round. Now you don’t want to go overspending on one day, no matter how special it is. Determine how much you have to spend, based on your families’ contributions and yours. It is essential to state who would contribute to what in this budget in order not to surprise anyone with unplanned expenses.

3. Pick out your wedding party

The wedding party doesn’t literally mean the reception. It talks about the people dear to you who should be considered as part of making this day beautiful. Now this consists of best-men, groomsmen, maid of honors, bridesmaids, flower girls, ring bearers etc. There are several guides to help in picking out the right wedding party, but we’ll expand on this later.

4. Choose a venue or three

Where your wedding would be held depends on three things; your taste, your budget and proximity to your guests. So choose wisely. It is recommended that you have at least 3 venues in mind so that in the event of one being unavailable, you can hold it at the other.

5. Begin compiling a guest list.

Everyone knows who they want to be at their wedding so make it a point to have a guest list. This could save you some money and you’d avoid seeing unwanted faces.

6. Choose a wedding theme and start assembling a team of wedding pros.

This step is important especially to those who want a huge wedding. Photographers/videographers, caterers/mixologists, florists/decorators, musicians/DJs, makeup artistes, dressmakers, waiters, security/ “bouncers”… The list can go on and on. If you can afford it, hire a planner to save you the stress. N.B: About 6-8 months before the wedding, book the necessary people.

7. Search for and buy wedding essentials

Wedding essentials comprises of all the things that concern the appearance of the bride and groom…and to an extent the wedding party. Make sure that 5-7 months before the wedding, your rings, gown, suit, shoes, hair and other jewelry needed for the wedding are bought. If you plan to cater to the outfit of your groomsmen and bridal party, this is the time to do it.

8. Book for wedding officiators, priests, licenses, hotels and transportation and send out your invitations

The person to officiate your wedding all depends on you and your beliefs/ faith. Go an extra mile to request for your wedding license. If you have to take care of accommodation and transportation of your wedding party and some guests, do so NOW. By NOW, we mean 2-4 months before the big day. Before booking though, send out your invitations and confirm who would and wouldn’t be making it.

9. Plan your honeymoon

Please do not sleep on this! Be cautious to not get lost in the whole planning drama, and then forgetting to plan your honeymoon. Decide on destinations, duration, flight and hotel bookings. Start working on this 6-7 months before, and finalize plans about 1-3 months prior.

10. Confirm, Confirm and Pay

From 2 months down to 2 weeks ahead of the big day, you HAVE to CONFIRM dates, venues etc with all corresponding parties. Do not wait to be disappointed at the last minute. PLEASE!! Make sure that your makeup artiste, DJ, caterer and above all your PHOTOGRAPHER are all up to speed on the schedule for the big day. Also ensure that all remaining balances have been paid for a week to the ceremony.

These are just a few of the things to pay extra mind to when planning for your wedding. More to come on your favorite wedding planning magazine, GWM.