Amo & Cordelia: Tying the Cords


Nowadays, lots of people prefer traditional weddings to white weddings. We can’t blame them– after all it’s still a wedding. In fact, in Ghana, that is the actual marriage ceremony– the white one is just a bonus. In one of our previous articles, the Ashanti Way, we spoke a bit about the importance of traditional marriages. We explained that various tribes in Ghana have similar practices when blessing a marriage. For example; the Akans, Ga-Adangmes & Ewes take specific amounts of money and prescribe particular drinks for ‘knocking’.

However, in today’s article, we are going a bit further. The underlying factor of every wedding is perfection. But to get perfection, you need to do the right things. So here are a few do’s and dont’s of traditional weddings.

Cordelia and her bridesmaids stunning in their traditional outfits



1. Do well to stick to the customs

Yeah we know sometimes the rules seem archaic and old-fashioned, but Tradition is Tradition. Your parents probably know best, so sit back and follow everything they tell you. Being bossy and wanting your own way during a traditional wedding ceremony can be ‘disastrous’. When the elderly advise you on dowry, gifts, outfit choice, souvenirs, timing etc, listen! Leave the additions and ideas for the white wedding if there’ll be any. Or maybe the reception party 😀

2. Do not invite too many friends

Bummer, we know, but traditional weddings are more a ‘family’ thing. And it’s sad to say but sometimes, traditional weddings can get a bit too dramatic, hence having too many ‘outsiders’ around can be a bad look. Some things just need to stay within. So keep that guest list cute for the engagement and go big on the white wedding/ reception 😉

3. Do everything possible to get everyone a souvenir

Souvenirs are of much sentimental value to attendants– this cannot be over-emphasized. Many people hold grudges when they don’t receive theirs. So start this next stage of your life on a good note with everyone. Also, try not to discriminate too much with the gifts. People are tricky and can get offended easily by this. It’s either that or your discretion skills must be on a hundred that day 😀

4. Do not be overwhelmed with your emotions

A very common thing you see is a bride getting frustrated because things aren’t going as planned. This is not ideal. Take a chill pill and let things take their course. We definitely know how families can get sometimes. However, do not get angry at any relative, keep your emotions in check– it’s your wedding, your happiness.






Amo Cordelia


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