A Complete Fairytale


We met a little over two years ago… I had just moved to Ghana from Atlanta. Honestly, I was still getting settled in, you know, going through the normal hustle and bustle of Accra living. And then one day… the best day, our paths crossed. I had gone to visit my dad at his office, one afternoon in June 2016. After catching up a little with daddy, I stepped out to get a cab–off to see my grandparents. A while later, I saw a white car with two guys in it. They made an illegal U-turn , like really quickly lol and stopped right infront of me! They offered me a ride, even though they were going the opposite direction (not surprising, I mean they did a whole U-turn lol). I said NO a couple of times but they were pretty insistent so I gave up and got in ?? ( don’t judge me it was a hot summer day). Funny thing is both guys were called Jeff! LOL.

“It’s been like two weeks since the wedding, and we literally wake up everyday still not believing it. It’s unreal! He treats me like a queen and puts me first.”

My Jeff seemed shy and quiet but took my number. And truly they dropped me off to my grandparents. That very night, he called and we spoke for so long. Then we spoke again a couple of times the following day. Fast forward, he took me on our first date and I met all his friends lol ?… Two years later here we are, married lol! It’s been like two weeks since the wedding, and we literally wake up everyday still not believing it. It’s unreal! He treats me like a queen and puts me first. Sometimes, I even feel like he wants more for me than he does himself! I love him and honestly, I didn’t think I wanted to get married until I met him. He’s my everything… my fooling partner, best friend and literally, my kokonsa partner…for life haha!


Two incredible years down the line…

Naomi & Jeffery


Couple : @naomib_gh and Jeffery Hoggar

Bride’s Kente and Gown: @sima_brew

Brides makeup: @facemechanicgh

Groom’s Suit:  @kimonokollection

Video: @tripledots 

Photography: @Defaj_photography